+91 8091 27 8091
Opp.Mavli Mandal, Dhobi Ali, Charai, Thane (W)
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Our School

Transforming Education Through Playway method: Empowering students from the age of 3

What do you need for your child’s education? A school with proper playground, state of the art infrastructure, well equipped lab, proper computers, library full of reading material, experienced teachers, all this and may be much more. We at Shree Mavli Mandal High School go beyond. Our teachers develop a mother – child relationship with students. We care so much so that sometimes when a child is sick he/she does not prefer to stay at home but rather come to the school.

It was in 1925 that Late Shri Shankarrao Yadav and Late Shri Shankarrao Bhoir, ardent sports lovers dreamt of an organization to serve the society. Today, their dream has come true with Shree Mavli Mandal, a charitable Trust which is also a well-equipped sports centre in Thane city.

Facilities Overview

Education with a Difference,
Excellence with Pride

Computer Lab
The school has air-conditioned computer lab which enable the children to keep pace with the technological advancement of the world.
Science Lab
It offers youngsters, creative and educational fun. It is a place where students can experiment, design and experience the things.
Rest Room
The name itself clearly defines that it is a room separately set up for those kids who needs rest due sudden feeling of uneasiness.
“Where Minds Meet, Ideas Flash” that is what, our well equipped library.
Play Area
The school has play ground & play area with garden toys to enjoy the different games.
Best Classrooms
Personal attention, disciplined environment in best classrooms with good ambience
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